Climbing guide Rotgelbes Felsenland - climbing in central Germany

Sport climbing in Saxony-Anhalt and West Saxony... more
899 CZK
872 CZK Price for registered
SKU: rotgelb  |  EAN: 9783948622053  |  Manufacturer: Geoquest
Availability   Store LETY - today  |  Shipping in the Czech Republic - 5.2.2025
The new colored book describes all climbing possibilities between Magdeburg, Halle, Leipzig and Grimma and makes you want to go on a discovery tour in the land of Saale, Elster and Mulde. The wonderful world of the quarry rocks with their colored walls offers all facets of climbing: from the two-pull boulder problem to the 50-meter tour. Unique in Germany: deep water solos on red and yellow porphyry rocks over crystal-clear blue lakes. And all of this with optimal family suitability: all accesses take less than 5 minutes and there is always a picnic area on site. As a special, all climbing towers in the region from Magdeburg to Wippra are presented and the climbing hall chapter shows us the way in the indoor season.
Manufacturer: Geoquest
No of Pages: 400
EAN: 9783948622053
Author: Gerald Krug
Language: English, German
Country: Germany
Product Weight: 0,4 kg

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