Climbing guide Elbsandstein Plaisir: Saxony

The best of sandstone climbing in Saxony - Germany... more
995 CZK
965 CZK Price for registered
SKU: ELBPL  |  EAN: 9783956111501  |  Manufacturer: Panico
Availability   Store LETY - today  |  Shipping in the Czech Republic - 5.2.2025
The Elbsandsteingebirge south-east of Dresden is certainly one of the most scenic and best climbing areas in Europe. Bizarre rock towers, romantic gorges, endless forests - even the painters of the Romantic era were fascinated by the rocky land on the left and right of the Elbe. More than 150 years of climbing tradition has maintained a very strict set of rules here: there are only a few safety rings and no metal chocks or friends may be used. But it is wrong to conclude from this that climbing the more than a thousand towers is poorly secured or even dangerous. Many of the more than 21,000 climbing routes can be secured with the existing rings and additional slings. In this richly illustrated guide, Helmut Schulze and Valentin Hölker have put together a selection of over 300 of the most worthwhile sandstone routes, mainly in the levels of difficulty I to VII - with clear topos and important tips for securing. This should make it easier for pleasure climbers, non-residents or beginners to get started with Elbe sandstone climbing. The 2nd edition contains a total of 46 new rocks and almost 150 new paths, making a total of almost 100 new pages
Manufacturer: Panico
Edition: 2
Size: 148 x 185 mm
EAN: 9783956111501
Published Date: 2022
No of Pages: 464
Country: Germany
Language: German
Author: Helmut Schulze, Valentin Hölke
Product Weight: 0,7 kg

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