Climbing guide PASSAGGIO A NORDOVEST část 1.

Crags and multipitches in Western Piedmont... more
899 CZK
872 CZK Price for registered
SKU: LV144  |  EAN: 9788885475205  |  Manufacturer: Versante Sud
Availability   Store LETY - today  |  Shipping in the Czech Republic - 5.2.2025

This guide takes a broad view of the climbing destinations in the Turin area: Susa Valley and the western valley in the Turin district: summarizing and introducing areas such as Val Pellice, Rocca Sbarua, Susa Valley and Val Chisone .

This guide guides climbers through an exploration of the base rocks and walls and tells the history of climbing in the Piedmont. After the first two successful releases in 2005 and 2011, it's finally time for a third release. Many new places and walls were explored and riveted: therefore the project is divided into two separate volumes.

This first volume deals with the larger and most populous valley in Piedmont: contains more than 400 pages and 120 crags, from Avigliana to Bardonecchia and Claviere

Manufacturer: Versante Sud
Edition: 3
Binding: Měkká
Size:  150mm x 210mm
EAN: 9788885475205
Published Date: 2022
Country: Italy
No of Pages: 480
Language: Italian
Author: Elio Cacchio
Product Weight: 0,6 kg

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