

Panico Alpinverlag is a prominent publisher of mountaineering literature and guides in German-speaking countries. Based in Munich, the company has been a key source of information for climbers and outdoor enthusiasts since its establishment in 1992.

Specializing in books, guides, and maps, Panico Alpineverlag provides detailed and up-to-date information on climbing areas, mountain routes, and techniques.

Known for its precision and expertise, Panico Alpineverlag is a respected and trusted partner for anyone seeking reliable guides for their mountain adventures.

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phone: +420 606 729 691

Karlická 662
252 29 Lety u Dobřichovic
Czech Republic

Opening hours store (Prague, Lety near Dobrichovice):
Mo - Sa:  10:00 AM - 18:00 PM
Su: closed

Opening hours e-shopu:

Mo - Sa: 8.00 AM  - 16.00 PM



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