

The Montane brand is synonymous with ultralight, durable and technical clothing for all outdoor activities. In more than 25 years of operation, Montane has become popular brand worldwide for its high-quality clothing. Design and testing takes place in Britain, production in Asia, but under strict company supervision.

The brand has also established a close collaboration with the BMC (British Mountaineering Council) and together they create a clothing collection that is intended for climbers of all climbing levels. From the sale of this collection, Montane donates 5% to the Access & Conservation Trust (ACT), which funds cliff and mountain conservation projects.

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phone: +420 606 729 691

Karlická 662
252 29 Lety u Dobřichovic
Czech Republic

Opening hours store (Prague, Lety near Dobrichovice):
Mo - Sa:  10:00 AM - 18:00 PM
Su: closed

Opening hours e-shopu:

Mo - Sa: 8.00 AM  - 16.00 PM



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