Slings and lanyards Singing Rock
Certified equipment for work at heights and arboriculture from the brands Petzl,Singing Rock and Rock Empire. Adjustable slings, lanyards, work ropes, full body harnesses.
Certified equipment for work at heights and arboriculture from the brands Petzl,Singing Rock and Rock Empire. Adjustable slings, lanyards, work ropes, full body harnesses.
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
phone: +420 606 729 691
Karlická 662
252 29 Lety u Dobřichovic
Czech Republic
Opening hours store (Prague, Lety near Dobrichovice):
Mo - Sa: 10:00 AM - 18:00 PM
Su: closed
Opening hours e-shopu:
Mo - Sa: 8.00 AM - 16.00 PM