
Climbing backpacks Singing Rock

The climbing pack must offer a systematic and clear space, with a balanced weight distribution over the entire back area. Each climber and mountaineer has his/her own specific requirements for a backpack. Some prefer lighter and smaller packs, where the rope is carried on the shoulder in a bag, while others prefer a larger volume to accommodate all the essentials such as rope, quickdraws, climbing shoes, snacks, carabiners and loops, including easy access to useful pockets. For different needs, we offer packs ranging from lightweight and smaller models of 30-40 litres, suitable for complex equipment, to lightweight packs of around 22 litres, ideal for big wall ascents. Choose the right climbing backpack to meet your individual requirements for comfort and practicality.

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252 29 Lety u Dobřichovic
Czech Republic

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Mo - Sa:  10:00 AM - 18:00 PM
Su: closed

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