Climbing package Singing Rock Lady Packet

Unique set for all women who want to start with climbing in the gym or out at the crags...... more
2 152 CZK
2 690 CZK (Your discount compared to MSRP 538 CZK)
2 087 CZK Price for registered
SKU: SINM0014  |  Manufacturer: Singing Rock
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In stock in e-shop
Availability   Store LETY - 12.3.2025  |  Shipping in the Czech Republic - 13.3.2025

A unique set for all girls and women who climb on an artificial wall or outside on a rock.

The set includes at a discounted price:

  • women's universal harness PEARL with adjustable panties
  • BORA GP bolt-on HMS carabiner specially designed to eliminate dangerous lateral loads
  • light and compact belay bucket BUDDY for double, half and single ropes with a diameter of 7.8 - 10.5 mm
  • magnesium bag MOUNTAINS with quick closing system
  • adjustable magnesium bag strap with quick release buckle
Manufacturer: Singing Rock
Product Weight: 1,0 kg

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