Wedgie Camp Ball Nuts

Ball nuts -the smallest active protection in the world... more
1 267 CZK
1 490 CZK (Your discount compared to MSRP 223 CZK)
1 229 CZK Price for registered
SKU: CMP038  |  Manufacturer: Camp
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Availability   Store LETY - today  |  Shipping in the Czech Republic - 11.3.2025
For the slim and grim. Invented in 1987 by John Middendorf and originally brought to market as Lowe Balls, these have become the secret weapon of many aid and trad climbers. These little wonders will work in small parallel-sided cracks where the only other option is pounding a piton. Ball Nuts also work in pin scars and small flares where even modern micro cams simply won’t fit. Since they weigh so little, many advanced trad climbers keep a #2 and #3 on their rack at all times.
Manufacturer: Camp
Certification: EN 12276
Material: hliník, ocel
Product Weight: 0,0 kg

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