Balaclava Voxx AP11 functional balaclava

Universal functional balaclava.... more
506 CZK
491 CZK Price for registered
SKU: 105744  |  Manufacturer: Voxx
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Availability   Store LETY - today  |  Shipping in the Czech Republic - 12.3.2025
The AP11 Unisex balaclava from the VoXX® ActivePro collection is a functional two-layer thermal underwear consisting of an outer layer of micro polyamide and an inner layer of silproX® polypropylene, which contains silver ions. This combination ensures maximum breathability and high sweat wicking. Moisture passes very quickly through the inner layer and dries quickly on the outer layer thanks to the micro-capillaries. Thanks to the silver ions, which have an antibacterial effect, the formation of bacteria and mould is greatly reduced. Bacteria in the laundry are naturally destroyed by the silver and no odour is produced.
Manufacturer: Voxx
Dimensions (cm): 19x38
Product Weight: 0,1 kg

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